I had started this post before the tragic elementary school massacre in Newtown, Connecticut but I wanted to say a few words before I get back to my regularly scheduled programming.
I wanted to write something meaningful, deep – something that would inspire people to stop blaming gun laws, education, media, whatever avenue they were trying to go down in an attempt to understand why this happened. But I am just as lost as the next person. Because there is no way to fully understand why this happened – the only person who may have truly given us a glimpse into it is gone as well. We will always speculate but I don’t think the answer is not in “What could we have done differently” or “Who can we blame” – it’s in ourselves and how we lead our lives. Whether you turn to your child to give them an extra hug, or an educator to thank them for taking care and loving our children as their own, or to God in hopes He will be able to provide peace not only to you but to everyone affected by this – please just take a moment to be grateful for what you have. It may not always be much, or what you want – but it’s something. And right now, that’s a whole lot more than some have.
Linking up again with Katie & Holly to talk about…
Where I Live Now
I live in a place where pasture parties are the norm. I live in a place where I can walk outside butt-ass naked if I so choose.
I live in a place where taking your 1 year old on a four wheeler is not frowned upon.
I live in a place where the lazy part of my brain & the feeling accomplished part often clash.
I live in a place where you count down the days to hunting season.
I live in a place where if you don’t drink Dr. Pepper then, fuck you.
I live in a place where best friends love your kids like they’re the ones who gave birth to them.
I live in a place where I never, ever want to give up homemade chili-cheese fries.
But mostly, I live in a place where I’m constantly having to be grateful for this amazing life I have.
I love your little family so dang much it's creepy.
love this!
basically relate to everything haha
2 things:
1.) I want your life.
2.) I can't get Dr. Pepper in Aisa which means it's been 4 months since I've had any. tragedy.
You holding a gun is doing something awesome to my lady bits.
Ha, just kidding. Um, not really.
Seriously though, sexy.
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