Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Training Tuesday [4.2.13]

It's another Tuesday, so you know what that means!

This link-up is just a way to talk about training [in any way, for anything] to help hold ourselves accountable and possibly brag a bit. I mean, you ran 1 mile without stopping – you totally deserve a chance to brag about it! That shit is hard. You did 10 push-ups in a row, HOLLLEERRR.

And even if you’re not training for anything, you’re just putting yourself out there to be healthier, to get slimmer, to whatever you can share it on Training Tuesday. Let’s say you were sitting at home and instead of eating a carton of Oreos you instead ate 20 baby carrots and just imagined they were chocolate-y crèmey goodness [hypothetical situation, of course] – share it here!

Abbey & I don’t discriminate – we congratulate.
Grab the button up above & link-up down below to let us know what’s going on for your Training Tuesday (or any day really, linking up throughout the week is good too!)

My Training

3/26 – Uhm. Nothing. I was still soaking up my victory with laziness. No shame.
3/27 – WHY GOD WHY Wednesday commenced with our usual torture of stairs. We ran up and walked down 4 flights of stairs until I cried for the sweet baby Jesus to take me away. (approximately 40 minutes)
3/28 – Moj suckered me into another workout. We went to the gym and proceeded to do this:

WOD 3.28I’m pretty sure my heart stopped beating during the planks, luckily I was revived when my own sweat dripped into my mouth causing me to choke and wake up suddenly.

3/29 – Rest day. (We did walk about 2 miles back to the house from church though. Legit?)
3/30 – Raising my hand to my mouth with a beer can counts as curls, right? If so, the whole family participated in this event. I love holidays.
3/31 – Easter! I walked in high heels during church where I carried a 30 lb toddler. Calves and upper arm workout – I’m counting it.
4/1 – Jillian Michael’s 30 Day Shred.

Since the Bearathon I have not ran. Holiday weeks are always weird for me because my work schedule is usually what keeps me on track because I work out during lunch. (We had Friday and Monday off – what!what!) I have every intention of keeping up some mileage but I think I’m just going to go with the run instead of forcing it. If I feel like one, I’ll do it – otherwise these are my plans for April.


I’ve attempted the 30 Day Shred (#30DS) before but always end up snuffing out before I get to Level 2. I just stop making it a priority because as I’ve mentioned before, sometimes I’m lazy. Or I get distracted by running races but I don’t have anything on the menu really, so, I shouldn’t have an excuse not to complete it. I took my measurements/weight/before pics yesterday and will update you on Training Tuesday as I see changes (provided that I actually do see changes).

Thanks to this tweet from Kaitlyn, I’m also tacking this on the end of the #30DS. We’re both participating in Abbey’s Forever Fitness Challenge and I couldn’t leave her hanging without a partner. (I seriously have a ‘yes!’ problem sometimes.) 

In case you were wondering, wall-sits are still the fucking worse thing ever.

Here’s to making April my bitch! Tell me how you’re making April yours below (or link up!)


Kaitlyn's Life and Blogs said...

Yeah I am mentioned!! Haha!! :) :) here's to making April our bitch!!! Haha. Love you girl.

Jordan said...

Oh My Thighs! April sounds fun! What are single leg circles?

Holly said...

I've tried to do #30DS sooo many times, but it just never works for me. I never keep up with it. I don't even know what level 2 looks like. But I do some of the workouts from level 1 occasionally and I know they work!! Good luck keeping up with it :)